Will Fuelade hurt my engine?

No, Fuelade has been rigorously tested at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and all results were positive. In fact, some of the results showed a small decrease in engine wear and carbon residue. Also, although we have never had a claim, we do carry liability insurance in the event of adverse engine wear.

Does Fuelade work in gasoline?

While we have seen some instances of increase in efficiency and reduced emissions with gasoline engines, we are not currently marketing Fuelade for that application until further R&D has been completed.

Is Fuelade EPA approved?

According to the EPA we are classified under “Small Business Development” which allows us to sell under Research and development as long as we keep log sheets. We are in the EPA approval process.


What happens if you put in too much Fuelade?

We have had mixed results with excessive Fuelade put in the tank. Sometimes the performance drops but there is no additional benefit from adding more.

Does it add lubricity?

Fuelade’s purpose is not to add lubricity and increase efficiency through decreased friction, it is a combustion enhancer and the increase in efficiency comes from the piston.

What about storage?

The optimal storage for Fuelade is in a cool dark place preferably below 70 degrees F. The shelf life of the product is three years. When subjected to high temperatures and excessive light the product can degrade more quickly.

Does it affect cetane?

No, Fuelade does not affect cetane either positively or negatively.

Is Fuelade like other additives?

Fuelade is added to fuel. However, that is where we separate ourselves from other fuel additives. We have been laboratory tested in world class facilities and under real world conditions with industry leading partners and the results have been amazing. Secondly, Fuelade bonds to the fuel at the molecular level so it won’t settle out. Third, we are a non-toxic, organic solution providing safe handling and cleaner emissions.